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[TCT2009]Christopher J. White教授谈颈动脉狭窄的治疗

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/25 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:TCT2009 Christopher 

International Circulation:   Are there any presentation or new information here at TCT 2009 that excites you?

Prof. Christopher J. White:   There is no new carotid data being presented that is particularly exciting.  The most exciting carotid stent data was presented in the springtime, with the CAPTURE, EXACT, and the SAPHIRE Worldwide registries published, representing over 8000 patients.  These trials established that patients at high surgical risk could be treated at the same or better complication rates as the landmark surgery trials, NASCET and ACAS.  That was very big new with respect to confirm the safety of carotid stent placement.  Now the challenge is to convince Medicare, which has refused to pay for most carotid stent procedures, to read those papers.
Prof. Christopher J. White:  没有新的颈动脉方面的资料引起特别的关注。春季的时候有关于颈动脉方面的 CAPTURE, EXACT和SAPHIRE全球登记注册研究,总病例数超过8 000例,相关文章在4月和3月份发表。这是对于颈动脉管理的全新的较大的关注。现在我们面临的挑战是说服CMS来阅读这些文献。



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