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[TCT2009]Michael R. Jaff教授谈药物治疗重度颈动脉狭窄

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/25 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:TCT2009 Michael 

International Circulation: Will you please talk about proximal protection during carotid stenting?

Prof. Michael R. Jaff:    
This is an exciting development because the problem with distal embolic protection is that you have to cross the lesion before you treat it in order to get the device beyond it.  Now we have the option to truly protect the brain throughout the entire procedure.  This way you never have to put a wire across the lesion before you have protection to the brain.  It is a very exciting area.  Two devices in the United States, GORE has a device and Invatec has a device.  Both have been in clinical trials, with the Invatec device not reporting data yet and the GORE device data looking very positive. 
Prof. Michael R. Jaff: 这是一个激动人心的发展领域,因为远端血栓保护的问题是在治疗之前必须穿过病变部位,以使设备能够穿过。现在通过整个操作我们有真正保护大脑的选择。这样在保护大脑之前就不必用一根线穿过病灶部位。这是一个非常激动人心的领域。美国的GORE和Endotec各有一个设备。两者都在进行临床试验,目前Endotec设备还没有研究结果,但GORE设备的研究结果看起来很好。

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