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[ESH2010]高血压合并心衰患者房颤治疗进展——M. Schneider教授专访

作者:M.Schneider 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/6/20 17:08:00    加入收藏
 关键字:高血压合并心衰患者 房颤治疗 Navigator M.Schneider 

    < International Circulation>: Compared with other atrial fibrillation therapy, what is the advantage of the RAS inhibitor?

    Prof. Schneider:  The main advantage is that they have very low side-effects.  We know that treating patients that have atrial fibrillation can be very difficult.  All the anti-arrhythmic drugs that we have have a substantial amount of side-effects.  Additionally there are surgical procedures that are not free of side-effects.  By using an ACE inhibitor and an ARB which has a very good side-effect profile, that is one of the advantages.  Also, these drugs might actually work on the substrate for atrial fibrillation whereas anti-arrhythmic drugs are also very important, the RAS blockade drugs are also very useful because they work on the substrate or cause of atrial fibrillation.

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