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[WCC2010]心源性休克的STEMI患者和顽固性心源性休克患者的处理——Dr Hochman专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/7/2 11:23:00    加入收藏
 关键字:STEMI患者 顽固性心源性休克患者 

    <International Circulation>: What’s the biggest misconception about heart disease with respect to women?

    Dr Hochman:Surveys have shown that the biggest misconception is that women are protected from heart disease – that heart disease only affects men. Fortunately with public education campaigns, we have reduced that misconception substantially, although still, more than 40% of women in the United States, do not understand that heart disease is the leading cause of death. They think that breast cancer is, and it is not.

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