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作者:R.Willenheimer教授 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/8/29 14:39:00    加入收藏
 关键字:R.Willenheimer  心力衰竭   治疗策略  ACEI PCI 

    <International Circulation>: Although a patient with acute myocardial infarction has successfully undergone PCI, they may still develop heart failure after ventricular remodeling. How do you recommend handling such patients therapeutically?

    Dr Willenheimer: To me, it is very important to introduce therapy as early as possible. I think that may be one of the major drawbacks today in heart failure that we discover heart failure patients too late to the point that the remodeling has already progressed too far. We should be on our toes at a very early stage and regard any patient with cardiovascular disease as a potential future heart failure candidate and to introduce adequate therapy early and then carefully monitor and adapt therapy appropriately. As you say, even patients with a successful PCI after myocardial infarction may be very vulnerable and they still have the disease of course at multiple points in their coronary vessels and by performing PCI in one part of the vasculature, you have the rest of the vessels as they were and vulnerable..


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