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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/12 15:09:59    加入收藏
 关键字:高血压 血管病变 降压策略 

     <International Circulation> : The elderly population in China is growing very quickly and the efficacy and safety of blood pressure lowering in elderly patients with diabetes has not been sufficiently investigated. What are your views of treatment in elderly patients with diabetes?


    Professor Chalmers : I  think the elderly should be treated at least as assiduously as the rest of the patients. In the general population, we have studies not only in the ordinary elderly (70~80 yrs) in SHEP, etc. but we also have HYVET which goes above age 80. In diabetes we do not have specific trials but significant portions of the other studies have included diabetic patients and there is no evidence of heterogeneity between the diabetic and non-diabetic populations in the elderly. My feeling is that until here is definitive evidence available it would be wise to extrapolate from the general population to the diabetic population and continue to treat the elderly.


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