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——大会日程委员会主席Michael Bohm教授专访

作者:MichaelBohm 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/8/30 15:25:08    加入收藏
 关键字:ESC2011  心力衰竭 心率  β受体阻滞剂 

    <International Circulation>: You will chair a session named “Frontiers of heart failure controversies”. Would you please make a summary that what the major challenges are and what expectable progress we have made in the treatment of heart failure?

   《国际循环》:您主持了“Frontiers of heart failure controversies”,能否请您概况一下,当前心衰治疗领域存在的主要挑战和最值得期待的进展有哪些?

    Prof.Bohm: Heart failure presents major challenges in that it has an increasing prevalence and incidence in our aging population. As such, we had at last year’s congress and will continue to have this year many discussions about how to use drugs. This year we are provided with many new data, like aldosterone antagonists data, which have proven to show improvements in mortality and morbidity. We also have data regarding heart rate reduction, a true innovation, using the drug Ivabradine that can improve outcomes, particularly in heart failure hospitalization as a major challenge in this condition. These are new data that will all be critically discussed. The second thing is that we have data on recommendations in the last year and we are currently re-writing our guidelines on heart failure incorporating new drug treatments as well as extended indication for ICD and CRT treatment in moderate heart failure.

    Bohm教授: 随着社会人群的老龄化,心力衰竭发病率增高带给心脏病学领域新的挑战。我们去年乃至今年的大会仍将继续探讨心衰的用药问题。今年我们获得了不少新的数据,例如醛固酮受体拮抗剂的临床数据,证明它可显著降低心衰的死亡率和发病率。我们在临床应用Ivabradine减慢心率的治疗无疑是革新性的,它可以显著改善预后,特别是对于因心衰而住院的患者。这些新的研究数据在会场上得到了充分的讨论。另外我们去年有关心衰用药、ICD植入和CRT治疗的指南被改写了,其中ICD和CRT 治疗中度心衰的指证更宽泛了。

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