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[CHC2012]2012年慢性完全闭塞血管成形术最新进展——日本Toyohashi 心脏中心Yoshihisa Kinoshita教授专访

作者:Y.Kinoshita 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/8/27 12:25:28    加入收藏
 关键字:CTO 慢性完全闭塞病变 血管成形术 

  International Circulation: According an article published in the JACC in February by Galassi et al., there is a transient impairment of vasomotion function after successful chronic total occlusion recanalization. Could you comment on how this might be avoided by proper selection of stent size?
  Dr. Kinoshita: It is difficult to avoid. In many cases of diffuse CTO lesion, we often observe the difference of vessel diameter between after procedure and the follow-up. As you know, impairment of vasomotion is a big issue in stent implantation, especially because of the underestimation of stent size. We sometimes confuse which stent size is suitable for that lesion. In such a situation, information from IVUS will be important. Usually, more than 80% of interventional cardiologists in Japan use the IVUS catheter during a procedure. From IVUS images, we can get a lot of informations, such as vessel size and plaque composition. IVUS catheters help us chose the proper stent size. I usually decide stent size in this lesion by a combination of information from IVUS and my own practice.

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