

作者:国际循环网   日期:2019/10/17 11:38:26



55,600/QALY gained.
  TMVr手术和手术住院的初始费用分别为35 755美元和48 198美元。尽管TMVr的随访费用明显低于单纯GDMR(26654美元 vs. 38345美元;P=0.018),但由于手术的前期费用(73 416美元vs. 38345美元;P<0.001),TMVr的2年累计费用仍较高。当在寿命期内模拟试验生存期、卫生设施和成本时,预计TMVr将使预期寿命延长1.13年,质量调整寿命(QALY)延长0.82年,成本为45 648美元,寿命增量成本效益比为40美元,361/生命年收益,55 600美元/Qaly收益。
  For symptomatic heart-failure patients with 3-4+ SMR, TMVr increases lifeexpectancy and quality-adjusted life-expectancy compared with GDMT at an incremental cost per QALY gained that represents acceptable economic value based on current U.S. thresholds.
  对于心力衰竭合并3-4 SMR患者,与GDMT相比,TMVr增加预期寿命和质量调整预期寿命,每QALY增加的成本代表了基于当前美国标准的可接受经济价值。
  About CRF and TCT
  The Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF) is one of the world’s leading nonprofit organizations specializing in interventional cardiology innovation, research, and education. CRF is dedicated to helping doctors improve survival and quality of life for people suffering from heart and vascular disease. For nearly 30 years, CRF has helped pioneer medical advances and educated doctors on the latest treatments for heart disease. CRF is comprised of the CRF Skirball Center for Innovation, CRF Clinical Trials Center, CRF Center for Education, CRF Digital, TCTMD, and Structural Heart: The Journal of the Heart Team.
  Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) is the annual scientific symposium of CRF and the premier educational meeting specializing in interventional cardiovascular medicine. Now in its 31st year, TCT features major medical research breakthroughs and gathers leading researchers and clinicians from around the world to present and discuss the latest evidence-based research in the field. TCT also includes interactive training pavilions where clinicians can gain vital skills to apply immediately to their practices.
  For more information,
  visit www.crf.org and www.tctconference.com.


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版面编辑:张冉  责任编辑:任琳琳


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