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[ESC2009]CURRENT OASIS 7研究解读:Shamir Mehta教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/1 11:56:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Shamir Mehta CURRENT OASIS 7研究 ACS 阿司匹林 

International Circulation: What impact will CURRENT OASIS 7 have on antiplatelet therapy in patients with ACS?

《国际循环》:CURRENT OASIS 7 研究将对ACS患者的抗血小板治疗产生怎样的影响?

Professor Mehta: It will have a significant impact because most cardiologists and interventional cardiologists are currently using clopidogrel.  It is a very simple maneuver to administer two pills instead of just one pill for 7 days to patients.  A lot of centers are already using the higher loading dose.  The cost implications are negligible and the benefits on a reduction in stent thrombosis are large.

S R Mehta教授:该研究将产生重大影响,因为大多数心脏病专家和介入心脏病专家目前都在使用氯吡格雷。给予患者2粒氯吡格雷药片共7天来取代原先仅1片的给药方法是一种非常简单的调整。很多中心已经在使用更高的负荷剂量。这对成本的影响可以忽略不计,而在减少支架血栓形成上的获益却是巨大的。

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