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[WHC2011]合并糖尿病的高血压患者的治疗策略——Sverre Kjeldsen教授专访

作者:S.E.Kjeldsen 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/25 15:41:55    加入收藏
 关键字:高血压 CCB ACE 高血糖 

    <International Circulation>: There didn’t seem to be much drop in blood pressure.
    Prof. Kjeldsen: Blood pressure was the same. Blood pressure came down. Both office blood pressure and ambulatory blood pressure were the same with ACE and ACE CCB combination. Despite that there was a difference in the primary cardiovascular endpoint which was 20%. Still, in my opinion, the most important thing is to get the blood pressure down but there may be certain benefits from certain drug combinations, RAS inhibitor, CCB on top of standard treatment for blood pressure.

    <International Circulation>: Do you have any idea why it brought down the cardiovascular endpoint if it did not bring down blood pressure? 
    Prof. Kjeldsen: There are benefits beyond the lowering of blood pressure. The atherosclerotic process as we saw in another presentation by Carlos Ferrario shows how these drugs work on the atherosclerotic process. They work on thrombosis, plaque formation, lipids and other additional effects beyond blood pressure. This can be explained from animal and experimental research.

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