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[WHC2011]合并糖尿病的高血压患者的治疗策略——Sverre Kjeldsen教授专访

作者:S.E.Kjeldsen 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/25 15:41:55    加入收藏
 关键字:高血压 CCB ACE 高血糖 

    <International Circulation>: Could you talk about the main improvements in studies in the last 15 years and why we can see more precise results? 
    Prof. Kjeldsen: We have better protocols, larger sample sizes, better statistical power and better follow-up. There is much less discontinuation in these mass clinical trials. We get better precision. Differences are not overwhelming, but we get statistical significance.

    <International Circulation>:  In ACCOMPLISH, the biggest difference was the drop in cardiovascular endpoint in patients taking the CCB ACE inhibitor? 
    Prof. Kjeldsen:Yes, that’s right. There was a 20% reduction in the primary cardiovascular endpoint.

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