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[ESC2010]Roberto Ferrari简介

作者:RobertoFerrari 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/8/27 14:03:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Roberto Ferrari 


    ●ESC 2008-2010主席
    ●主持及参与多项大型多中心临床试验,包括EUROPA, PREAMI, SENIORS, PACMAN, BEAUTIfUL, and STRATEGY等。

    Professor of CardiologyDirector of Cardiology at S Anna University Hospital of FerraraDirector of the Centre of Cardiovascular Research “S Maugeri”, Ferrara, Italy
    Professor Ferrari trained at the Bologna School of Medicine. He works as Professor of Cardiology in the University of Ferrara and he is director of Cardiology at Santa Anna University Hospital of Ferrara. He is also director of the Centre of Cardiovascular Research “Salvatore Maugeri”.Professor Ferrari is president of the European Society of Cardiology (2008-2010) and vice president and Chairman of the Education Committee (2002-2004). He has also been president of the World section of the International Society for Heart Research (2004-2007). He has been councilor of the Board of the Italian Society of Cardiology (1996-2000), Member of the Scientific Committee (1996-2002) and councilor of the Board of the Italian Federation of Cardiology (1996-1999). Professor Ferrari is interested in the characterization of the molecular mechanisms of the ischemic and failing myocardium and in the clinical treatment of myocardial ischemia and heart failure, with a particular emphasis on interdisciplinary and collaborative studies.He has been involved in the steering committees of several multicenter trials, including EUROPA, PREAMI, SENIORS, PACMAN, BEAUTIfUL, and STRATEGY.He is editor of Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine and a member of the International Editorial Board for the European Heart Journal Supplement. He has written 23 books and over 600 peer-reviewed papers on various aspects including basic research, pathophysiology, and clinical investigation in the area of ischemic heart disease and heart failure.



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