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血栓治疗领域新型药物 不断涌现 各领千秋

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/9/26 14:00:39    加入收藏
 关键字:血栓治疗 新型药物 

    < International Circulation>: As the president of the 21st International Congress of Thrombosis 2010, could you introduce some of the main features of the congress? Compared with previous congresses are there any highlights or special features this year?

    Prof. Mannucci: There is no doubt that this congress, which is not held very frequently, is really a very cogent moment of great developments in the field of thrombosis; not so much in the mechanism, but in the treatment of thrombosis. New antithrombotic drugs are being developed and as you can see from the title of the congress, “A New Era for Antithrombotic Agents,” that the congress really featured these new developments. There are new anticoagulants with some peculiar features that represent an improvement even though they are still in an early phase of development and also new antiplatelet agents.
    毫无疑问,国际血栓大会的召开并不频繁,但它却令人瞩目的展示血栓疾病领域重大进展的时刻其重点并非是在机制方面,而是重在血栓疾病的治疗。新的抗栓药物正在不断发展,从本次大会的主题—— “抗血栓药物的新纪元”,也表明新进展是本届的大会的主要特点。尽管仍处于研究早期阶段,但确实有一些新的具有独特特征的确代表新发展的抗凝药,和抗血小板药物。

    < International Circulation>:New anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents, oral factor Xa inhibitors and thrombin receptor antagonists, for example, are the main features of this congress. Can you discuss the latest progress in these fields?

    Prof. Mannucci: These agents satisfy some unmet needs in the field. I am not saying that the currently available drugs are not effective, because LMWH and oral anticoagulants are very effective and dramatically reduce the incidence of venous thrombosis, embolism due to atrial fibrillation, and they are also part of the armamentarium that is being used in ACS with revascularization. Therefore, I do not want to deny the importance of these drugs but they certainly have some limitations. For instance, in the prevention of venous thromboembolism the low molecular weight heparins and also fondaparinux must be given subcutaneously. This is an obstacle, particularly in the elderly when they are discharged from the hospital and they need to continue prophylaxis at home because they are still at risk of developing thrombosis. Unfortunately, not all of these patients are able to have someone who can give subcutaneous injections and these drugs can only be given either intravenously or subcutaneously. Thus, to have an oral agent that does not need to be monitored is really a big step forward. It is in these indications that these drugs are officially licensed both in Europe and the United States. Thus, for prevention of venous thromboembolism these new agents are not necessarily more efficacious but they are certainly much more practical and this leads to an improvement in treatment due to more compliance. I very frequently see when these elderly patients who have issues with cognition go home from the hospital and they are alone and frail have a lot of problems implementing prophylaxis for 40 days. 

    The congress showed that there are also other drugs besides rivaroxiban and dabigatran that are effective. I would particularly like to mention apixaban, which is a factor Xa inhibitor. It is not yet licensed and it is not yet clear which of these agents is most effective as they have not yet been compared head to head but they are at least as effective as LMWH and fondaparinux and have the advantages that I mentioned.

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